Our Free Downloadable Expert4x Trading Robots come with installation instructions, comprehensive user manuals, and in most cases videos
You may however feel that you need additional input in the following areas:-
Technical Assistance: Where you are using a specific broker or VPS installation, or you are getting error messages not covered in the user manual or unexpected transaction behaviour technical assistance can be of benefit.
Settings: EAFactory supplies regular (Monthly) Optimised settings based on the best settings for 10 currencies and 2 timeframes that worked in the last 12 months. The settings and analysis is very useful to find good settings to use.
Upgrades: The more traders that trade an EA the greater the chance of new upgrades occuring. The Support service will keep you updated with recent versions.

We currently offer our support services as a monthly subscription.
$25 for the first month and then $15 thereafter.
Please select the EA that you need to be supported on below.
Weekend Gap EA
$25 1st Month & $15 thereafter
Good Vibrations EA
$25 1st Month & $15 hereafter