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SALES AGREEMENT: There is NO PROMISE OF FUTURE PROFITABILITY. The potential profitability as disclosed in our marketing material is based on historical back traded results and cannot be relied on or trusted to ensure future profitability in the uncertain, volatile financial markets. Don’t rely on those presentations for your purchase. Profitability is not part of the description of the Robot – Past historical performances are merely guides to the potential of the Robot. Although the products are supported with a historic optimised setting service, user manuals, technical and trading email support, and a free and paid forum it is the PURCHASER’S RESPONSIBILITY as a robot trader to use that support efficiently and to trade the Robot profitably. Our robots require BASIC ROBOT TRADING SKILLS such as the ability to create settings, align the robot and forward testing it on your own broker account and manage trading risk. Trading occurs in the volatile unpredictable financial market. You, as purchaser further agree to use our technical support as the first source of assistance for guidance if you are not experiencing positive results when testing, or forward trading this robot. Expert4x has no responsibility to train you on how to trade Robots in general and how to use risk control to safeguard your trading account. By purchasing you are confirming that you have those skills. Expert4x has a NO REFUND POLICY and a NO COOLING OFF PERIOD as our products contain intellectual property which can easily be copied. Technically the robots are well tested and perform as described in our marketing material and have NO PROMISE OF FUTURE PROFITABILITY. There is very little chance that the Robot that you purchase will be significantly different to the description on the marketing page. Contact us first if you suspect this to be the case. We do offer the option of swapping your purchased Robot for another one if you so wish. After reviewing our marketing pages and videos please raise any questions for information and clarity BEFORE your purchase Please DO NOT USE the PayPal buttons provided if you are uncomfortable with any of the above conditions.
RISK DISCLAIMER:- The information on online Forex trading presented on this website SHOULD NOT be regarded as Forex or currency trading advice. Any trading, including currency trading is highly speculative and a risky way of making money and should not be done with the information on this website only. The Forex market information provided herein does not constitute financial product advice and does not take into account your individual investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs. You should consult a licensed investment adviser to obtain individual financial advice based on your own circumstances before making any foreign currency investment decision. Expert4x gives no warranty or representation as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information on any of its websites and accepts no responsibility for any errors or mis-statements, negligent or otherwise. Before making an investment or trading decision, you, should decide with or without Professional Advice whether trading meets your investment objective and suits you psychologically, emotionally and financially. Expert4x makes no guarantee about how you will perform using these methods or products. In all cases we merely provide an analysis of past results that are not guaranteed to repeat into the future. Anyone making use of the online currency trading information presented here, do so entirely at their own risk. This site is not intended to be used as the only source of currency trading information, Forex education or work from home opportunity. Expert4x has no obligation to develop your general trading skills in order to make use of the Forex robots and indicators purchased. Expert4x is not encouranging you to risk real money and trade. Demo trading accounts, where there is no investment of money required, can be used to test Forex Strategies. You need to use trading common sense, sound money and risk management and take full personal ownership of any trading decisions. The Forex market is inconsistent and can produce unexpected results which can result in a loss of all of your capital or more. By visiting this site, you accept responsibility for your own trading outcomes and agree to research and test any trading method and tool before making any trading decisions or committing to risk capital. You also indemnify, Expert4x and any associated parties from any losses or consequential damage you may incur from using these products or from any one acting or refraining to act in reliance on this information. By visiting this site, you accept responsibility for your own trading outcomes and agree to research and test any trading method and any trading tool before making any trading decisions or committing to risk capital. IT IS YOUR DECISION TO TRADE.
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