The Expert4x Trading Robot

Setting Service

One of the best proven ways to find good settings is to: -


  1. Optimize the EA for the best currency, timeframe and settings with low drawdowns
  2. Test the best settings by forward trading them for more than 30 days of 10 to 20 demo accounts to see which settings work and which don’t.
  3. Then, using the knowledge gained from the ones that work, change the settings or replace the accounts for the ones that don’t work.
  4. Leaving the ones that do work and consider using them on live accounts
  5. Trade the adjusted portfolio for the following 30 periods, continuously improving the settings for better gains and lower drawdowns.
  6. This builds two portfolios of trading accounts. One trading your live accounts and the other continuously testing a refining setting for better results (20 accounts)

If all the above sounds like hard work, you are right. It is hard work, and that takes a lot of time, effort and experience.




We have a live database of almost 200 accounts you can instantly access and use to decide which settings to use. This database is updated daily, so results and settings are always current. It is also fully sortable and has an automated decision-making facility.


You get access to a total sortable and decision making database of almost 200 trading accounts from our linked account service and from our testing laboratory, The database covers the  Expert4x Hedged, Wave Liberator, RSI Liberator and Profit Retriever trading Robots  (Click here to see how to get 80% of these Robots - 80% off )


See an extract below

You also get detailed SETTINGS for the above almost 200 accounts that you can use to start your Forex Robot Trading journey. These a forward traded accounts and therefore represent expected outcomes better than optimized settings

You also get access to all the Premium Forum other benefits when using this service

Please view this video for more information about the NEW setting service

This facility is available in our Premium Forex Forum and is free to paid members. When you purchase one or more of our RSI Liberator, Wave Liberator, Profit Retriever, or Expert4x Hedged, you can join the paid forum at an 80% discount for the first month.

All you need to do is join the paid Premium Forum and send us an email that says, “I have bought this EA and joined the Premium Forum,” providing your PayPal Email address. We will then refund you 80% of your first month's subscription (usually $74 per month) via PayPal.




This special limited-time offer applies to any purchases of the above mentioned EAs made after 12 June 2024, until the offer expires.