Historic Back tested Results
The results below are shown to give traders the ability to compare the relative performance of the various currencies compared to each other on the basis of Optimized and Drawdown settings resulting in Income, Drawdowns and Return on Risk Ratios.
The tests were done using $10 000 accounts and 200:1 leverage over a period of 1 year ended 31 August 2023.
Set files are not provided but an analysis of the major settings of those results are shown so that traders can compare the settings.
These results can be used to compare 2 Robots - The RSI Liberator and Wave Liberator
A test information template is provided
Set files and analysis of history can be very inaccurate and very unlikely to repeat.
They are dangerous if used inappropriately. They are not recommended settings - in fact they should not be used at all for actual trading. They do however provide information and can be a starting point for forward trading on demo accounts.
These optimizations have been done to obtain the information shown in the tables below.
Recommended process for trading the Wave Liberator
Using either the default setting or settings shown above as a starting point, forward trade the Wave Trader on a demo accounts for 2 to 4 weeks. Test various time frames and setting variations to make sure that you are perfectly happy with results before trading a live account.
Make any adjustments to your settings to improve your results as detailed on the marketing page.
Wave Liberator Back Tested Results
Analysis of Main Optimized settings
Refer to the settings section on the marketing page for more details
Analysis of Draw Down Optimized settings
Refer to the settings section on the marketing page for more details
Below is an example of a test template used to analyze past performance
It is provided as a starting point for traders who want to analyze history in more detail
Please note that the actual template file is not provided