Which is your best preforming EA?
We get asked this question every day. The answer varies from day to day depending if the market is trending or going sideways. They have been trading our major EAs
In order to answer this dynamic question we have created over 70 Live accounts each trading $1000. These accounts have been running from the beginning of June 2020.
So to see which EAs are our top performers we created a portfolio list it minute by minute results of these live accounts.
So to find an answer to your question - Which is your Best EA? Please do the following:-
Click on this link:- ALL LIVE ACCOUNTS
Select the "Portfolio Constituents" Tab
Sort the Equity column in descending order
Our best performing EAs will be display in the left column. The names will give you tell you information about the EA. In most cases it's name, currencies trades, timeframe, tradings strategy will be displayed in the name.

Information in the names (usernames) used Explained:
GTM - Grid Trend Multiplier , MAM - Moving Average Multiplier , TRSI - Tradeable RSI , DM - DreamMachine , MM - Make Money EA , RSIDiverence - RSI Divergence EA , RSITrend - RSI Trend - RSI Trendline EA , RSIEnvelope - RSI Envelope Trader , TOD - Time of Day Hedged EA . (Click on the names to go to the marketing page of each EA )
Where applicable the currencies are displayed
Our Plug-n-Play versions will have PnP or Pn in the name of account
Where it is important the timeframes used will be displayed. For example 1h or 1hr
Where there is an a, b or c at the end of the account name it refers to Aggressive settings (a), Balanced settings (b) and Conservative settings (c)
Certain EA have different strategies which will be included it the names: Trend = trending strategy , both = trending and sideways strategies , side = bouncing or sideways , ma = Moving average only, bounce = Bouncing or sideways strategy
Where there is a number in the name it refers to the version of settings. More details of the settings can be found at this link:- https://forum.moneymakingforextools.com/?forum=806234 or https://www.expert4x.com/easettingsavailable/